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ERC20 Burnable

ERC20 Burnable is an extension of ERC20 which has some additional methods related to burn. It contains all methods of ERC20.

Similar to ERC20 - you can interact with ERC20 Burnable token by creating instance of class ERC20Burnable.

import { ERC20Burnable } from "@ethcontracts/core";

const token = new ERC20Burnable(<tokenAddress>);


burn method can be used to burn the amount of token of the caller account.

const [getTransactionHash, getTransactionReceipt] = token.burn(<amount>);

const txhash = await getTransactionHash();
const txReceipt = await getTransactionReceipt();


burnFrom method can be used to burn the amount of token of an user account by the spender.

const [getTransactionHash, getTransactionReceipt] = token.burnFrom(<userAddress>, <amount>);

const txhash = await getTransactionHash();
const txReceipt = await getTransactionReceipt();