Ujjwal Gupta

Bengaluru (India)

I love coding, always building something. Don't know why ? but it satisfies me immensely to see my product working even a smaller program. I am always proud of all projects i have worked on - either it is my employment or open source.

I believe in opensource and that's why i have build many tools, framework , libraries etc. It has allowed me to explore my true potential and helped me to become better every day. The interesting thing is - this portfolio is created using mahal framework created by me.

One of my believe is - Sharing knowledge. I am always up for discussions with anyone and always try to share, learn and mentor peoples. I have received some amazing feedback by my colleague.

👉 Here are some links which will give you more insights about me -


Front End Lead

Polygon (Matic network)

  • Managing different projects with ownership. I worked on almost all front end apps - Matic.js, Bridge Explorer, Wallet suite, Bridge widget etc
  • Managing front end team
  • Managing all front end projects with code review and deployment.
  • Mentoring everyone
  • Hiring resources
  • Helping users by different channels - Github issues, telegram etc

Tech Used : -

Javascript, Typescript, Solidity, VueJs, Vuex, NodeJs, Webpack, Html5, Css3, es6, Web3.js, ether.js, Library development, Github action

Senior Software Engineer


Tech Used : -

VueJs, Vuex, NodeJs, Webpack, Html5, Css3, Javascript, es6, BootStrap, Jquery, Puppeteer
March 2021

Senior Software Engineer

MindFire Solution

  • Working remotely as Full stack engineer
  • Writing optimized & maintainable code
  • Researching and experimenting with different technology
  • Technology advisor & trainer

Tech Used : -

C#, Asp.Net Mvc, Asp.Net Web Api, Microsoft Sql Server, SignalR, Entity Framework, Html5, Css3, Javascript,BootStrap, Jquery, Knockoutjs, VueJs, Vuex, Webpack, .net core, NodeJs, Trello
2016 - 2019



A client side javascript library for performing database operation inside indexeddb.
Typescript, IndexedDb, Webpack, Nodejs, Chai, Mocha, Travis, Github
Popular & being used worldwide


A modern UI framework similar to react.js
Typescript, Webpack, Nodejs, Chai, Mocha, Karma, Puppeteer, Github
Early phase


Component based MVC web framework for nodejs targeting good code structures & modularity.
Typescript, Http 1.1, Webpack, Nodejs, Chai, Mocha, Jest, Swagger, Socket.io, Travis, Github
Early phase & being used worldwide


IDBStudio is a management tools for indexeddb library jsstore. It helps users to execute , debug and learn jsstore query.
Typescript, Vuejs, Vuex, JsStore, Vuetify, ace editor, Webpack, Nodejs, Github
Being used worldwide


SqlWeb is an extension of JsStore which allows to use sql query for performing database operation in IndexedDB.
Typescript, pegjs, JsStore, chai, Webpack, Nodejs, Github, Travis
Being used worldwide


Biju Patnaik University of Technology

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
2012 - 2016


Programming Languages & Tools
  • C-Sharp
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Solidity
  • .net
  • Html5
  • Css3
  • Less
  • Bootstrap
  • Saas
  • Jquery
  • VueJs
  • ReactJs
  • Angular
  • Webpack
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • NestJs
  • ElectronJs
  • Mocha
  • MySql
  • MongoDb
  • Visual Studio
  • Trello
  • BitBucket
  • Github
  • Git
  • Nginix
  • Travis
  • Cordova
  • NuxtJs
  • Can lead a team or multiple team.
  • Can help hiring great engineers.
  • Can manage projects with ownership.
  • Have worked with different startup, so can use the experience to help with different startup issues.


  • Recognised internationally by open source community for project - JsStore, SqlWeb, FortJs and more.
  • Author on freecodecamp - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/author/ujjwal/
  • 2000+ score on stackoverflow
  • 1st place in Bhubaneswar Hackathon organised by Muvi in year 2017
  • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist .Net Framework 4, Web Application


  • Coding - Love to code and learn new technology.
  • Contributing For Open Source - Create open source projects, interact with people from all over the world, presenting session on different technology in local community or tech events.
  • Travelling - Love to travel and visit different places around the world.
  • Cooking - Cook on weekend and make something delicious.
  • Exercise - Try to stay fit by doing exercises, yoga, swimming, running and other activities.
  • MotorCycling - Love to drive motorcycle and generally take a small ride on weekend.
  • Blogging - Write about what i know and share with whole world.

Hire Me

        var question1 = "Are you developing something exciting or an awesome future product ?";
        var question2 = "do you want me to work with you on your amazing journey ?";
        var answer = {

        if( answer.question1 === true && answer.question2 === true) {
            print("Let's have a talk. Message me using any of the social network platform or 
            mail me at - ujjwalkumargupta44@gmail.com");

            print ("I am also very OK to working remotely & actually i would love to.")
        else {
            print("Let's connect on any of the social platform.");